Meal plans

Meal plan: week of March 26, 2018

Meal plan: week of March 26, 2018

Looking at my calendar just now and holy moly (ha!) is it really Easter this Sunday? We are not a religious people, but Easter brunch is a family tradition, so I better get cracking on my hot cross buns and such. I really want to […]

Meal plan: week of March 19, 2018

Meal plan: week of March 19, 2018

I’ve started a new grocery-shopping move the last few weeks that is huge – the pre-preschool shop. Little fella starts at 9am, so we leave the house a bit before 8, do the week’s shop, and then drop off. Unload on arrival at home, and […]

Meal plan: week of March 12, 2018

Meal plan: week of March 12, 2018

Monday. Thai-style shredded tofu with brussels sprouts (from Dinner: Changing the Game by Melissa Clark, which has to go back to the library this week, served over rice farro. Tuesday. Asparagus frittata with ricotta and chives (from the same book, I am determined to get my library-checkout-period’s-worth), […]

Meal plan: week of March 5, 2018

Meal plan: week of March 5, 2018

Monday. Black bean soft tacos, with roasted sweet potato and mini sweet peppers. Topped with guacamole, sour cream, and cheddar cheese. Tuesday. Middle Eastern sweet potato wraps (from the brilliant Green Kitchen Stories by David Frenkiel and Luise Vindahl) on homemade flatbread. Served with jicama, carrot, and celery […]

Meal plan: week of February 26, 2018

Meal plan: week of February 26, 2018

Monday. Chick pea pasta with roasted romanesco and almond pesto. First attempt with chick pea pasta. Not amazing, but fine. Tuesday. A trio of dips (from Green Kitchen Stories), served with roasted sweet potato and romanesco, fresh bread, and carrot sticks. Wednesday. Kiddo cooks! She’s making “chicken” and […]