Meal plan: week of June 25

Yes yes I know that it is in fact June 26, which makes the posting of a meal plan for the week of June 25 questionable at best, but I tell you what, it has been a week. A great, super fun week with beloved family that we hadn’t seen in an unacceptably long time, but also a very stressful week getting our house ready for an appraisal and a temporary move out. We’re getting there, and oooooooo are our horizontal surfaces clear of junk. Clutter-free is not really my jam (yes, I read The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up, and found some of it useful but most of it a little shake-my-head-wowshesbonkers), but clutter-reduced turns out to be quite relaxing. Except for when I am trying to find the things that have been temporarily relocated into assorted deep dark cabinets.
Despite the decluttering madness, it was a lovely week, and because we had guests, we had a regular tour of the delicious things in our neighborhood: pastries from my two favorite bakeshops (Sea Wolf and Coyle’s), Cuban sandwiches from Paseo, an enormous poke platter from Fremont Bowl. But I also got a secret delicious treat from my dear friend who was traveling in Europe and hand carried some treats home for me to try from Ottolenghi! Look at these beauties, a polenta cake and a lemon pistachio dream. They were even better than they look.
We also hit up our first proper farmers’ market of the season last week, and returned home laden with cherries and raspberries, as well as exhausted and over-stretched children. Something about the midweek farmers’ market at dinner time makes my kiddos lose their minds, so not sure we’ll be doing that again any time soon. But all the summer fruit? We’ll take it. I might turn into a cherry if I carry on eating them like I have been; between Rainiers and these bright red ones my husband picked up last week it’s really a little bit out of control.
So what are we eating this week?
Monday. I made a giant sourdough flatbread, and topped it with a very tasty collard green pesto. I blanched the collards in the Instant Pot which sped up the whole procedure remarkably. I didn’t use that recipe precisely; we didn’t have any kale, and I tossed in a bunch of spring onions, and I used roasted almonds instead of peanuts, and I didn’t use nearly so much EVOO, but overall it was a super tasty use for collard greens. I tossed on a defrosted jar of cassoulet beans, a bunch of crumbled feta, and some halved grape tomatoes. It was tasty, though the flatbread wasn’t perfect. I should have done it on the grill like pizza, I think it would have cooked more evenly.
Tuesday. I get to go out tonight, so I shall leave the beasties with their dad and some tofu, cabbage, and grilled pepper taco situtation. I might even make Instant Pot chicken (I KNOW) because we got some free chicken ages ago and it has been languishing in the chest freezer. I don’t eat meat, as I’ve mentioned a billion times, and of all the meats, chicken is the one I find the foulest (oooooo foregone pun opportunity) but it sure is easy to toss in Potsy.
Wednesday. I’m flying solo with the kiddos tonight, so we’ll go basic. I think sourdough veggie waffles to finish off the crisper drawer.
Thursday. Another night solo! I’m planning to bake today, so I’ll do grilled cheese and tomato soup, always a classic, always delicious.
Friday. I got these huckleberry potatoes in our box last week, so I think I’ll make Spanish tortilla, which is always a total hit with my kiddos. We’ll have it with a carrot salad, because holy moly we cannot possibly get through the quantity of carrots that keep inundating us in our veg box. Any good carrot salads to recommend?
What’s on your menu this already partially over week?